Does anyone know the length of time I should have my orchids under a metal halide lamp, I am guessing less than daylight hours as the light is more intense than the levels over a daylight hours period, I have a range of them under one at the moment just put up tonight and dont wanna mess these guys up by giving them too much or too little, I am thinking around 8 hours a day average maybe more in summer and less in winter to mimic the seasons light changes. Some are further away from the light that need more shade and some are in the middle and to the side for more light. I am going to have to watch them closely to look for any changes in leaf colour. but an indication of how long I should have the lamp on would be much appreciated. Lastly do orchids need a strict dark period like some plants to thrive? if so this might be an issue as they are in my dining room where my computer is and if the halide isnt on my desk lamp which is a flourescent will be on. Thank you in adavnce for any help you can give me.