Thank you very much for the link. I'm thinking of installing some LED lights in my terrarium to supplement light in winter. This article will certainly help.
I just wanted to jump in here, as it seems the question I had put forward about which lighting is best is an old one. My experience has been, since that posting is this: I bought 6 natural light 7w 38 diode 90degree LED bulbs from Orchid Web, put them in my track heads (that take regular incandescent bulbs) This was months ago. My orchids and tillandias are loving it!! I have phals and oncidiums all blooming!! They are all on a 1/4 thick sheet of clear glass, about 4 ft away from the lights, on a heat mat, with a small fan above for circulation. The LED lights are awsome!!
When we talk about artificial lights, there are two things one is the quantum light the orchids should get and the other is the quality of light for photosynthesis, does these LED' s can provide both ? could somebody giv emore details about the wattage etc.