I wasint sure where to ask this questions but I thought I would come into the expert section as you folks would have the most knowledge. So first a little back ground.
A few years ago I wanted to see if I could grow aquatic plants using 2 180 watt hallogen lights. So I took down my 90 galon hood, and hung the 2 180 watt lights over my tank with a open lid. I used a CO2 dosing system and liquid fertilization. I realized that the heat generated by the halogens I would have heat issues so I experimented with the hight of the lights and found a happy medium for day and night temp flux. Every thing was nice and stable and the plants grew like weeds. I would trim the plants back every 2 to 3 weeks. So in the end the halogens were a huge sucess for my 90 galon.
Now for my orchid question, I plan on building a custom enclosure, the dimensions are as follows 25 inches tall, 12 inches deep by 12 inches wide. that does not include the hood,
I plan on placing 2 55 watt halogens in the hood, lining the hood with alluminum tape and having 2 exhust fans above the halogens on the same switch.
So my questions after all this is, has anyone used halogens to grow orchids?
I will post pics as soon as I start the build.
Attached is a pic of my 90 galon when I first started with the halogens.
