Needing simple direct answers, please
" i need the goods, the straight goods, and nothing else".. Johnny Dep, Fear and Loathing
I have been going around in circles with this whole indoor lighting "stuff".. from full spectrum, to Kelvins, to CRI's.. from T5's to old school T12's
I don't mean to come off as being rude at all!! ( frustrated yes, rude, no)
I bought a 24" Sunburst T5, basically F24T5, at $35.. (which is basically a 24" cabinet light, with a small ballast inside to run a 24W T5)
Now, I have found a specialty sign lighting place that selling F24T5 .. that come in 3000K, 4100K, 5000K, 5600K and 6500K that are can come in a CRI between 82 to 93
and the 48" T5's in all the same K as the 24" and the same CRI ratings ( 82 to 93)
A light with a CRI rating of 93 is to bright for most of my orchids and from what i have read, for most orchids.
I don't have a lot of coin to drop on lights, and i will be fabicating my own T5 light set up, ballasts and all, nor do i have the coin to drop on replacing my orchids cause i fried the 8 to 9, i do have,
mostly Phal's (Cloud Temples), a Sherry Baby, and a couple other lower temp. orchids. ( and yes i have done enough electrical to do this safely and properly, thank you all though)
all my orchids are now currently under one 48", 5000K, T10, ( yes a T10) all at different heights, by using empty pots turned upside down.
The Phals seems to be doing ok with the 5000K, but are all just growing leaves and roots, with a temp. during the day at 19 to 21 C, down to 16 to 17 at night, with 11hrs of light everyday
Can someone give me a "very" simple answer as to which K ( 3000K, 4100K, 5000K, 5500K, 6500K with CRI's all within 82 to 86) would work best for vegetative growing part
I also have 4, 24" T5 fixtures. Two of the fixtures are Sunburst 24" tubes ( basically a 24W T5, suppositly with 6500K) in them, and i have 2 more 24" T5 fixtures, with no bulbs in them yet,
but all 4 of my 24", T5's will be for trying to get my orchids to flower/ bloom, the whole fixture lookings something like:
_______1______ ______2_______
6 inches of open growing space in the middle
_______3______ _______4_______ ( all the fixtures will be at the same height, pretty cruel drawing i
now, would it be better to go with 2 lower K tubes, say.. 5000K or 4100K in the number(s) 1 and 4 fixtures ( see drawing above ), mostly for the reason that 6500K in all the fixtures would
( and i am guessing now) be to bright for a Phal leafs, which might only be 7" tall in total, where as in, my Sherry Baby foliage already stands at 8", plus..
I hope this makes sense to one of you other fellow orchid growers, that has tried different setups..