Hi Ross
Thanks again.
After much thought, I will scale down the height of my orchidarium too. I think I will cut back to 90cm, I will have to see how it goes then with T5.
I wasnt considering using the T5 tubes I have now by the way. I just will have to get the Growlux if I want to test before I make the case.
I had originally looked at the Grand Cayman orchidarium and its height of 42" or about a metre. I see they use power compacts though. Are they stronger than T5? I used them on my 1st marine tank and they got very very hot.. I had 4 tubes at 90+ watts each. High output PC has to be imported to Australia last time I looked.
I agree, the metal halide or HQI lights worried me too. I have grown orchids in the past and am returning to the hobby. I have been keeping marine tanks for a 7 years now, so I have some knowlege of these lights. They punch out the light, but you can roast things too close to them. Currently there is a debate between metal halide users and T5 users and the T5 users are having great results with corals that they were told they would not likely be able to grow under T5 at greater depths than 60cm. Plus I saw that the light is more even and the PAR good too. So I thought to go with them with my orchids.
One thing marine aquaria has taught me, research, think it through and then some before buying and starting a project or you can pay a lot and be disappointed.
Sorry to get long winded
Thanks for the thread too. I will read over it. I have trawled the web, so I am amazed I missed it.