So I work in a office with no windows---vaulted ceilings and a GIANT black door---and if that's not sad enough, there are only 2 people in this aux. office...myself included.
So I figured maybe to brighten up the place I would purchase a phalanopsis and a small grow light. I went to the hardware store bought a directional flood lamp and a philips plant light---50w.
My question is, will this be enough light for my new 'chid? For some reason I'm under the impression that they don't like direct light, and that the lower light conditions might make it "ok". I have the lamp shining on the wall and reflecting off as well as indirectly shining on the leaves of the phalanopsis itself.
If not I will have to bring home my "secret 'chid" as um---my Fiance doesn't know my obsession has expanded to the office.