Hey Ross,
I meant Vanessa's gallery. I had already looked at yours sometime back. I was very impressed with your orchids, as well as your home and growing areas.....very nice! You have obviously put a lot of work into everything.
By the way, the electricians are installing my lights now. After I read your post to me about the lighting output I would get from them, I knew then that I was gonna have to get some supplemental lighting, so I have been discussing that with them....as to what I will need to suppliment them, as well as where in the room would be best for them to be installed.
Anyway, would you and Vanessa mind clicking on the link to her gallery and see if you come up with the same error msg. that I did? If you will, please let me know.
Best I get out there and crack my whip so these guys will get on the stick more. lol
Thanks again,
Here's the link to Vanessa's gallery:
Originally Posted by Ross
Which URL is that? My gallery can be reached via the camera button in upper right across from my name. If you mean my Orchid Blog, google blogs goes down for maintenance lots of times. I just checked both and they come up fine.