Originally Posted by Mel
What about using 5000K or 5500K for all of the tubes? Reading a past post of yours, do you think 3500fc is really necessary to bloom cats when they are under full intensity for 12-14 hrs? Would 2500fc at that time duration work?
I would, except the place I get mine from doesn't carry them. I get a choice of 6500 or 3000K So I got the blend. Not 5000K, but I'm going to be growing veggies, so who cares?
I plan to go short day length for raddish, spinach and leaf lettuce, so high intensity and and short days (like 8-10 hours) will be the plan for first crop. For Cats, I still think really high light is one of the factors. I finally brought a potinara into bloom with combination of full sun (south window) plus supplemental CF bulbs (5000K). Full sun at 45 degrees N latitude is nearly 5000 foot-candles. 3500 FCs by itself might be lower limit, especially over 12-14 hours. 2500 FCs wouldn't do it, in my opinion. Great growths, but no flowers.