fluorescent lights sufficient for oncidiums?
Hi everybody.
This is my first post here. I have a 48" metal stand that I'm going to hang some (at least two fixtures for a total of 4 bulbs) shop lights from and try to grow some lovely orchids. The stand is directly in front of a north window, with some wimpy light coming in from nearby northeast and northwest angled windows. It's also directly above a radiator, upon which I plan to place some pans of water to hopefully increase humidity.
My question, ultimately, is will I be able to grow medium-high light requiring orchids like oncidiums? I already plan to try pahs (very cool!) and maybe phals (pretty), but I just love the many fragrant oncidiums as well. Would fluorescents be okay if I supplemented with "spot light" compact fluorescents or incandescents? I don't have the money or desire for expensive lighting, but I've done well with cheap shop lights on other plants in the past, especially when I've put them close enough to the plants.
Any info would be great!