First, Welcome!
Especially if there some daylight in the room, any full-spectrum light will do fine. Phalaenopsis are low-light plants, but like about 12 hours a day duration. They're not particularly fussy about the fine points. For general care, check out the first few pages of the sticky thread
The Phal abuse ends here.
There is a lot of good information there.
Just a bit of background, when I started out with orchids, I grew Phalaenopsis (the most common "gateway drug", I think

) in my spare bedroom, with good morning light for about 4-5 hours and then the light was very indirect. They grew but didn't rebloom. I added supplemental lights (at the time daylight-type fluorescents, now LEDs are a lot more efficient) 12 hours a day and got about 80% reblooming. It's not intensity that they want, but rather the duration of the light.