Do multiple light equal multiple lumens?
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Do multiple light equal multiple lumens?
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Old 12-21-2021, 06:49 PM
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Default Do multiple light equal multiple lumens?

What I really want to know is, if I have a bulb of x lumens (or whatever light measurement you use), and add an identicle bulb next to it, will I then have 2x lumens? How does this work? And please know that I am after information so questions like why would I want to are irrelevant.
Thanks in advance for your knowledge and insight.
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Old 12-21-2021, 08:16 PM
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Do multiple light equal multiple lumens? Female

Y E S !!!
More light in total.
Doble Lumen / Footcandle, Lux, etc
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Old 12-21-2021, 09:05 PM
Shadeflower Shadeflower is offline

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Do multiple light equal multiple lumens?

Sade is right and that is the basic answer

but if you want to look into it more there is a little bit more to it.

You can use several low powered lights to light up an area or 1 powerful light instead.

Both work but the 1 powerful light will actually be more energy efficient and produce better results. This is because light intensity diminishes fast the further you get from the light. So with lots of low powered lights they have to be hung very close to provide the right amount of energy to the "top leaves" but because they are weak lights by the time the light reaches the bottom leaves the light will have diminished considerably.

With a stronger led this happens less, you have to hang it a bit higher to find the right spot for the top leaves and the light dimishing effect will not be as great. There will still be a good amount of light hitting the bottom leaves too with a stronger pwoered light.

So you would have to use a little more if using several lower powered lights compared to one strong one to illuminate the whole area.

But there are advantages to using several lower lights too like with one high powered light things closer to it will receive far more light than at the bottom but with lower powered lights it would be more uniform all over.

One very crude way to look at the difference between a low powered grow light designed for seedlings compared to a high powered light would be for example if you imagine your gas heating breaks in your house. To heat the house you can use some 2000w electric space heaters which would keep you warm.
Or alternatively you could light 100 tea lights which would also give off warmth.
But would the tea lights warm you as much as the space heaters? Or even an open fire in a fire place?

You could maybe light 200 tea lights but still I don't think they would generate the heat to really warm you enough.

I've never tried tbh, its just a hypothetical example, you could imagine it might be tough to heat a freezing home with only tea candles.

It can be the same with low powered lights. Like I have some that probably only consume 0.2watts per led bulb - good for seedlings. but even using 100 of them next to each other I doubt would not be strong enough to get a high light demanding orchid to flower.

So low light units have their place and if you want more light it makes sense to add supplemental lighting but generally at the same time you should pick a light that is roughly suited for the space so that the light doesn't diminish too much in the corners and lower areas. The more energy every leaf gets the better overall. Weaker lights do not have the "light penetration power" that stronger lights have - what this means is that if you have a canopy of leaves with leaves underneath them the lower leaves will not get as much energy.

It's all about trying to get the most energy to the plants without burning them.

seedlings only have 1 or 2 layer of leaves and uniform light is important for them.

But like a big Cattleya will be very tall and will want light to hit the whole plant, not just enough at the top of the plant. So it makes sense to use a stronger powered light instead of for example having several lights surround each plant individually to give each one enough light all over.

Last edited by Shadeflower; 12-21-2021 at 09:09 PM..
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Old 12-21-2021, 11:26 PM
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Dusty Ol' Man Dusty Ol' Man is offline
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Thanks for the answers. The space each lamp is lighting is small. One is 18" high from rack to peak where the lamp is, and the rack is 18"x30". The lower space is only 12 " high. I'm adding a second lamp to illuminate the smaller space. Obviously, the smaller space will be for mini catts, the upper space will have a couple larger cats and a terete vanda that can be hung very close to the lamp. Lights are from the Orchid Hobbyist.
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