Help with shelf height
Hello! So I did it and bought wire shelves and Orchid hobbyist LED lights. The shelf unit is 74” tall with 4 shelves. I have recommendations on how high the light should be above the canopy of the different orchids, but my plants and collection are so young that I don’t know how high the canopy will become. Could you kind people help me determine the height I should set the top 3 shelves? The lower shelf will be about 3” off the ground.
Shelf 1. Lowest shelf - Medium light orchids like oncidiums, Zygonisia. Recommended to have lights 7-8” above the canopy. How many inches above the lower shelf should I put shelf 2?
Shelf 2. Low light orchids. Phals and Paphs. Recommended to have lights 12-14” above canopy. Would 2’ to the lights be about right?
Shelf 3. High light orchids, which I don’t own yet. Recommended 3” above canopy. I will probably try Catts. The top shelf will be the easiest to adjust down the road I would imagine. Thoughts on the top shelf spacing needed here too.