I just came back from a 5 weeks trip, and put around 30 plants in a terrarium before leaving.
Having never used grow lights before, I chose something affordable and with good reviews on Amazon: the SANSI C21GL-DE26.
For ~18€ (21$) with free shipping and a power consumption estimated at 8€/year, I think it's an incredible deal.
It is on for 8 hours per day, which seems to be the sweet spot between low light Phal and high light Vandaceous.
All of the plants have new roots. New leaves range from gorgeous light green to really nice purplish.
Unfortunately they were not watered appropriately and there's been quite a few leaves/spikes losses, so growth isn't spectacular; but I'm really looking forward to seeing how it looks in a few months.
Now I feel like a dumbass for not having bought a grow light years ago