I’m using this all-in-one system that I purchased from Lee Valley. It has two tiers with built in LEDs; 2 x 24” tubes above each tier with a built in reflector. They look just like T5’s but they are actually LEDs. I imagine I can replace them with any LED that is a T5 conversion bulb. Going to checkout the sunblaster ones!
Originally Posted by MJG
For my purposes over the long run, it's the empirical data that's going to matter. I'm going to be hanging these lights over a 36" deep terrarium. I will probably have to tweak as I go to get adequate light to the bottom without burning out the orchids at the top. But I will be interested in readings, as they will help my decision making.
G85, do you use reflectors? They can help. Also, I spent 3 solid days googling and reading different articles about lights before I bought the Sunblasters. There are some good technical write-ups out there about different bulbs if you're willing to wade through all the other stuff.