Advice on grow light enclosure?
Hi everyone,
I have a half dozen or so little 19 watt Feit grow lights hanging in my laundry room. Phals, slippers and a few other lower light orchids bloom regularly, but light loving orchids like cattleyas, angraecums and laelias have never rebloomed for me.
To expand my growing area and try to divide my plants according to light needs, I purchased a 1200 watt Exlenvce grow light. I totally underestimated how bright it would be and now feel like I am living on the red planet. No one in my household will tolerate the light and I can't blame them.
I wonder if anyone has suggestions for how I can dampen the light? Marijuana blogs are full of ideas, but I don't need to 100% block or control the light, I just need to take it down a few notches. I also want to make sure that I don't accidentally create a fire hazard.
Thanks in advance!