I have a Catt growing on a bit of tree branch 250 mm in diameter I struggle to lift it . So if you think about it that is the only limitation ,you must be able to get it to the show bench.
My experience has taught me not to change any potting arrangement until after blooming is complete...I have lost many a potentially pretty bloom that way . On size, whatever I can safely hoist and hang can get hung...so eloquent there...!
The picture of the mounted chid on the previous page is in full bloom. I had to take it out of the original pot and totally flush off all medium. It had large ants in it. No way it was riding in the car with me and those hitchhikers. I am keeping it moist enough and drying it out in between. I didn't have a choice about repotting. It still is looking great. I have found that if the plant has lots of roots use a little more spag. moss and as it gets acclimated to the watering and drying with more air around it the extra moss can be gradually picked off. Good luck. Another note..I have been trying to use the chids that are younger or less roots to deal with hoping that they will adapt easier. So far so good.
Amaryllis are gorgeous, I don't have any right now though. I do have some hyacinth bulbs that are getting ready down in my basement - couple inches of growth, will have to bring them up shortly. Can't wait til it's warm enough here to start tending to my garden out back! Actually can't wait to move to a place that is warmer all year!
Thanks for all the great info in your posts - will be starting some mounted chids soon... also S/H, since it seems a little easier, yet more precise than bark in a pot - if that makes any sense.