Would Hazel be good as an Orchid Mount?
I have been doing a clear out and found a 20 year old hazel stick, collected in my youth. It stands approximately 5ft tall, with the top 2ft nicely twisted. It has not been treated with any preservatives, varnish etc.
So I did some digging online but found little in the way of reference to this type of wood being used as a mount, even to say "Don't use it".
It's a rather nice looking long stick and I am tempted to try and mount something on it in the future.
Has anyone ever used Hazel as a mount?
If yes, what are the pros and cons?
Is there a good reason why I should not even attempt this? ("The Stick is pretty" is not a good enough reason for me)
I am even willing to donate it to someone in the UK, if it turns out that I cannot put it to good use.
Help and advice always welcome.
Thank you in advance.