Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right?
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Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right?
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Old 11-23-2012, 11:25 PM
blackvine blackvine is offline
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Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right? Female
Question Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right?

Hello! I hope you all can help!

I have about 12 Catts - purchased online or from Craigs List - potted in bark that seem to be in good health. They are all young with 3 - 5 p-bulbs. I am in the process of mounting them and find (for the first 3 I'm doing anyway) that when I remove them from the bark, there are a TON of brown roots, mostly from the center of the crown, which I've snipped off. In all 3 cases, about half the roots were brown, the other half lighter beige/greenish, which I left on. Pics attached:
  1. Mounted about a week ago; snipped many brown roots, but left quite a few beige roots that are now white. Seems OK and is putting out green tips.
  2. Mounted about a week ago; snipped many brown roots, but this left only a few decent roots. This one is doing nothing.
  3. Mounted 1 hour ago; snipped many brown roots, but left these roots. Roots to the right are what the brown roots I snipped off look like.
So, my questions are:
  1. Is it OK to take off as many as I'm leaving?
  2. Are those brown ones I snipped, shown to the right on pic 3 truly dead? Some have an outgrowth of healthy root, like this one. Should I have left it?
  3. Should I even be trying to mount orchids with as few roots as these?
  4. Do you think they will flower next year?
Being so new at this, I don't know how well they take to mounting from a potting situation when they're a bit older.

Thank you so much for any help or advice!
Attached Thumbnails
Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right?-001-jpg   Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right?-002-jpg   Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right?-003-jpg  
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Old 11-24-2012, 01:00 AM
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The mounting itself looks fine. Just remember that you mounting orchids works best when there is active root growth. Also, in the first picture I see that you did not take the papery bark off the mount. The problem with this is that the roots attach to the bark and then the bark peels off, thus the plant will have to 're-attach' itself all over again.
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis

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Old 11-24-2012, 08:58 AM
tucker85 tucker85 is offline
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Your mounting job looks good to me. The small number of roots is fine. They'll grow new roots. The brown roots that you cut off were probably dead although occasionally they'll surprise you. I usually leave all or at least most of the roots in place until the plant grows new roots. The ones that are black and mushy can be removed. After several months the dead roots dry up and will either practically disappear or will be easy to remove.
I agree with Steve that it's best to mount cattleyas in the spring when new growth is starting. If you have any bifoliate cattleyas, make sure that new roots have started growing before mounting. You may want to start with just a few mounts until you see how they do. It's generally recommended to not change all your plants at once. Mounting may not turn out to be way you like growing. Also I recommend using a rooting hormone product. I use Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed. I've talked to people who love a product called Dip n' Grow. KLN is another one available. Those products aren't necessary for success but they can help get roots started.
Basically I think you're doing an excellent job of mounting your plants. Make sure you mist them almost every morning until they're well established. Good luck.
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Old 11-24-2012, 04:35 PM
blackvine blackvine is offline
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Do these have enough roots? Am I doing this right? Female

Thank you Isurus and Tucker - good advice!
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ago;, brown, left, roots, snipped

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