Mounting Species Phals
Hello All,
Here is my attempt at potting up species Phals that prefer to grow "down". I am also trying to compensate for humidty. The back of the mount is heavily misted each morning when the plant(s) get misted and the thin layer of spagnum moss on top of the potting mix helps hold the mix in place and aids in humidity. I made the slat mounts from scrap lumber and cut a plastic pot on the diagonal leaving the top rim and 1/2" of the front bottom. I also drilled holes in the top two corners of the pot rim and attached the whole thing to the slats with 20LB test monofiliment fishing line. The pot can easily be removed, the plant repotted in a larger pot, and then re-attached on this or a larger slat mount.
(Patent Pending, LOL, I need a greenhouse!)