Very nice! Neat idea with saucer - something I could use for my phal with root problems.
The wood on others looks just beautiful. my favorite is the one with Gastrochilus japonicus.
Ezil, I drilled 4 holes in the saucer. I soaked it for a couple of hours then put a little water in the saucer while I drilled to try to keep the drill bit cool. I put fishing line through the holes and tied on a pad of sphag moss, then positioned the plant, put a bit more sphag on top to protect the roots and then tied the plant on. Added the hanger and viola! If you try it, go slow with the drill bit so that you don't break out on the back side. It did dull the heck out of the bit.
water was a key factor in drilling...good thinking...if you feel that the back is about to be reached: reverse drill so it will not chip the back...I do that on glass too using a diamond coated drill...yes it dulls the drill so after four uses I throw it away and use a new drill