I had already posted this in another forum, but wanted to start participating here too.
I ordered a bunch of orchids last week and had already decided to mount them.
Okay, on to the pictures!
The how-I-dun-it, mounting Gastrochilus Japonicus:
Orchids to be mounted, and available mounts (got it at the petstore). I had soaked the mounts a couple of times before, the last time in fertilized water (don't know why, thought I'd give it some nutrients for the plant? Don't know if it made sense)
Teasing it out of the pot. It was in very fresh sphagnum as far as I could judge, and no damaged roots at all. If they were there, I normally would've removed them at this stage. While I was preparing my stuff it was soaking in a weak fertilized solution.
positioning on the mount:
Putting on sphagnum, and a little bit underneath, and tying it with plasticized wire:
Making a little loop and adding the label:
All of them mounted, from left to right Renethera Vietnamica, Gastrochilus Japonicus, Sedirea Japonica and Cattleya Aclandiae:
And gave the Cattleya Aclandiae a little companion, another Aclandiae:
And then I watered them. I still need to hang them on my wall, will update if I do.