Originally Posted by bodaciousbonsai
Hello, I was wondering on your culture conditions for the toluminia variegata. I have a trade in progress for a division of this species of orchid. Do they need 3500 -6000 fc to flower or do they require a low temp drop at night with high or low humidity. I have read that this orchid is difficult.
Hallo, I wish I was an electrician. I donīt know anyting about it. I grow it with my Cattleyas, and it is hanging indoors in my window that is facing south-east. I have 3 halogen spotlights mounted on the window. They are grown indoors all year round, but my flat is very warm during the summer, upp to 30C.
In winter days it is about 22C and 19C at nights.
I try to maintain a humidity not lower then 60%, but there are short times it has dropped to 40% and sometimes when there has been a period of rain, it has been up to 80%.
I use only filtered water.
I have had no problem growing it