I have gradually been mounting many of my epiphytic orchids on cork bark or tree fern slabs/totems. I was curious what others use to display them. IE at orchid society show tables etc.
Interesting, thumper in florida is using sabal palm boots for her mounts, looks kind of neat. I use coconut shells, firbark, wood slats, cork and grapevine. They haven't been mounted long enough for me to tell which is really doing the best job. All have spag moss over roots. I think its going to be the cork tho, it seems to hold the moisture better so far. Summer will tell.
I just had to take in a Schomburkia cross that was mounted on a large piece of cork. I placed the bottom with any hanging roots in a just large enough clay pot and used green styrafoam pieces tucked down to stabalize then filled the rest with spagnum moss. The whole pot went into a wicker waste basket. You can do the same with other odd shapes. If it is a small mount I take a standing plant hanger to set on the table.
Good question, mounted plants are always tough to figure out. I don't like just hanging them from a piece of the background frame. Like Lorraine, I usually use an empty clay pot. Some that are huge might have to sit flat on the table or be propped up with blocks or sandbags which will eventually get covered with other plants. For society meetings, I just plop 'em down on the table.