Actually, crape myrtle, smooth or no, works very well as a mount. A great Cattleya breeder near my neck of the woods puts all of their mounted plants on this or red cedar and I haven't seen any problems with it. I wouldn't use it for moisture-lovers without a generous sphag pad, but then I don't often use wood or cork at all for moisture-lovers because I don't want to water multiple times a day. Roots of xeric-leaning epiphytes attach to crape myrtle very readily in my experience. YMMV, of course...
For new mounts, I've used crape myrtle freshly-cut with no problems. Usually I end up using it weathered because I have a big pile of it in my yard (I scavenge it when my unwise neighbors butcher, er, 'prune' their trees each year), and it works fine that way, too. The bark is bound very firmly to the wood and doesn't rot or separate without seemingly years of heavy weathering. It's also a very pretty wood, IMHO; large crotch pieces with specimen orchids on them look spectacular! What are you planning to mount on it?
Last edited by gnathaniel; 10-12-2010 at 06:33 PM..