Hi I live in Wisconsin and have to bring my plants in for the winter. It can be dry in the house so my plants are on pebble trays. I have been thinking of trying to mount and orchid. I have cedar wood and some birch bark. Which plants would work for me. Here is s list of plants that I have to use:.
Bc Little Marmaid’Janet’
Blc Dr Joe Walker ‘Ray Mishima’
Blc. Hawaiian Princess x Pot. Hisaku Atatsuka ‘okika’
Blc Owen Holmes ‘Encore’
Blc Raye Holmes ‘Newberry’
Cattleya Fabia semi alba x sib
C. Lynn Spencer (Walkeriana ‘Lightning Blaze’)
HKNSA Sogo Doll ‘Little Angel’
Laelia lundii ‘Laurelwood’
Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’
Lc. Irene’s Song ‘Montclair’
Lc Island Springs ‘Lynette’
Lc. Mary Ellen Carter ‘Dixie Hummingbird’ HCC/AOS
Laeliacattleya Rojo ‘Barbara’
Potinara Barry Drake
Pot. Immaculate Heart ‘Hilo Red’
Potinara Marlene Lundquist ‘Orange Delight’
Pot. Waikiki Splendor ‘Lenette’ x Pot. Frank Gilmore ‘Mendenhall’
2slc. Fire Fantasy ‘H & R’ x lc Aussie Sunset ‘Cosmic Fire’
slc. Rocket Burst x c. Walkeriana
Slc Vallezac ‘Evelyn’ AM/AOS
Dendrobium Spring Dream ‘kumiko’
Dendrobium Delicatum
Dendrobuim Upin Red ‘Asahi’
Dendrobium Niraporn Baby Snow x Dendrobium Taksin
Oberon No 2
Enc. Ramonense ‘Dr Pepper’
Neostylis ‘Lou Sneary’ Bluebird
Oncidium ornithorhynchum
Trichopilia Suavis