ahhh I find stuff around that people throw out and I dont see junk I see orchid stuff
made this from some light guard grills tie wraps and wire.
Its portable, stands or hangs. Will have a pvc pipe running thru the middle ,a fountain tank pump providing water from a container if I choose to sprinkle.
its kind of like playing jingo putting the plants on it if you know what I mean

...hmmmm design flaw? nah I just havent figured that out yet but Im thinking a 20 lb old plastic coated bench weight in the bottom of the container will hold it steady enough.If I hang it its not an issue and to use the water system Im going to take it outside anyways...so Im still thinking before cutting stuff up..
now here it is with some plants around it...see how nice it looks..would make nice displays for shows ya know
p.s. theres 17 orchids in these pictures can you find them all ?..
the mount on the wall has 4 orchids so now all you need to find is 13 more