Faerygirl |
04-24-2007 01:04 PM |
I am probably going to be the ONLY person to say be careful with hickory.
I don't think that it will hurt your plants, but its sap is very high in sugar content and it rots extremely quickly once its wet.
We live on 5 acres of land here and during the 2004 hurricane season took direct hits from Frances and Jeanne. We lost 29 trees directly that fell to high winds during the storm, but later on, we have lost about 15 more since then to fungal disease from the high water that took over a year to get back to normal.
We had to have 5 huge (over 100 ft) hickory trees removed that were in danger of falling on the house, and the arborist told me that if I wanted to try to sell it to smokehouses I'd better do it in 3 days, because once hickory has been on the ground for over a week, no one will touch it. The high sugar content attracts wood eating bugs almost immediately, and the wood starts to decay.
The tree service wanted $2000 to haul all the debris away, but the arborist said that if we just stacked it up and left it, it would decay and fall apart within a year's time. And, he was right. We burned some ourselves and the rest just turned to dust.
Since you will be wetting this wood probably daily with an orchid on it, I'd really be careful, you may be remounting sooner than you think