Finally! I mounted two orchids i got for dirt cheap at the store!
I recently bought these orchids (Yesterday) for two dollars. A dollar per orchid! and decided to mount them. The one on the right was very droopy. still is. And now is starting to plump up. Has a LOT of roots though! I think the mounts look awesome, but i want others opinions too! tell me what you think and how i can make them better. thanks! Also, i know they are supposed to be mounted upside-down, but it hink they look so much better right side-up.
Last edited by josh91793; 03-24-2010 at 12:08 AM..
Do you have the phalaenopsis mounted facing up? In nature they grow with the roots growing up and the crown of the plant facing down so that water drains out of the leaves to avoid rot.
When you hang yours, flip them over so they are upside down. (from the way you have them in the picture)