I ordered a Tree fern plaque last week and received it today.

I figured that the tree fern plaque would be good for the den that I am going to mount because the den has little roots and the plaque has little places for the roots to attach. I got excited and began preping the orchid by removing the media.
There are a few concern before I mount this den. 1. A few days ago I noticed white fussy stuff growing on the roots. I am assuming this stuff is from the media, the orchids potted in, breaking down. I am not sure how to treat this before I mount it??
The second concern I have is how to mount the den? I have some sphagnum moss that I used for my Phals. Should I Mount this plant this same as a Phal?
Basics on how I mounted the phal:Soak the tree fern, put moist moss down, put the den roots down , put some more wet moss cupping the roots, tie it down.
Thanky ou for reading and helping if you can!