They're here..!I finally got the first two orchids for my vivarium.
Aerangis biloba
Bulbophyllum sumatranum
and they are tiny, Aerangis' leaves are smaller than the tip of my pinky and the Bulbo is only slightly bigger. I feel so paternal towards them..
They arrived mounted on epiweb slabs (which are huge compared to their size) with some sphagnum attached. I was hoping to mount them on my cork tubes but now I don't really know how to go on with it.
I guess I could radically crop the epiweb around the roots and attach it to the cork..? suggestions anyone?
Thanks for the tips guys, I'm a little late with my reply.
Both had most of their roots in the sphagnum and I actually managed to cut the epiweb around the few that were in there. I mounted them with the sphag and today I count;
Bulbo. two new growths + Aer. new leaf starting (!)