My next mounting project part 1
My 3' palm tree pup is not recovering from our below average temperatures this past winter. It hasn't produced any new growth and it's remaining fronds are drying up at an alarming rate. The mother palm seems to be recovering but it's obvious that the baby isn't going to make it. The palm is located in a small pocket garden at the front of my house. This area gets east/southeast exposure and is my cherished orchid growing spot. I was mourning the loss of the little palm and concerned as to how it should be removed from the base of it's mother when it suddenly occurred to me that the palm's 3' bare stump has great potential as a future orchid mount. Now I just have to find a perfect companion. Stay tuned for part 2.
Last edited by Junebug; 08-16-2011 at 12:53 AM..