Hey all,
I've been on a Teak wood mount spree ( I just think the wood looks great with the flowers/foliage). Anyway, here are some new mounts. Enjoy!
--Renanthera monachica: I bought 1, which turned into two when preparing it for mounting:
Renantheras :: Renanthera monachica A #1 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
Renantheras :: Renanthera monachica A #2 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
Renantheras :: Renanthera monachica B #1 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
Renantheras :: Renanthera monachica B #2 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
--My vanda denisoniana x sib: I purchased this in a 4" pot--it gave me 2 blooms the first time around. I didn't like the look in the pot. Here's a before:
Vanda Alliance :: Vanda denisoniana x sib #1 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
And after, mounted on Teakwood:
Vanda Alliance :: Vanda denisoniana x sib #2 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
Vanda Alliance :: Vanda denisoniana x sib #3 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
--Here's my Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird'. I bought this @ the Tamiami International Orchid Show this past February. I it's grown quite a bit since then:
Vanda Alliance :: Neosytlis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird' #1 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
Vanda Alliance :: Neosytlis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird' #2 (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
Finally, my Paraphalaenopsis Kolopaking. The flowers smell like cinnamon and they are gorgeous!!
I bought this at RF orchids recently. Coincidentally, RF has a lot of new hybrids with Paraphalaenopsis...they are gorgeous.
I have another one for which I haven't found another piece of teakwood that I like. And, I just recently bought a baby serpentilingua and a serpentilingua x Neofinetia falcata. (i'm still debating whether I should mount that one?????hmmmmmm.....)
RF is the DEVIL....I'm going back next paycheck for more.

LOLOLOLOLOL In any event, before prattling on forever, here is my Kolopaking after flowering and on a Teakwood mount:
Paraphalaenopsis :: Paraphalaenopsis Kolopaking (2009) picture by peeweelovesbooks - Photobucket
If you notice, I'm tying these with yarn, rather than with fishing wire or ties. It's a lot easier to manipulate.
I hope you enjoy the pics and your comments are always welcome.
Peace. Out. (grin)