i read you since some weeks and I really like this board, so i decided to sign up

I'm and orchid newbie from Italy, I apologies in advance for my poor english
A friend of mine gave me 3 Dend. Loddigesii keiki yesterday, together with a piece of sterilized cork, some sphagnum and stockings

This is how i've done the job

As this is the first plant i mount I'm not much sure 'bout it. Will the root cling the wood with the sphagnum between?
It took half day for the roots to get back to the silver color, is this timing correct? i can easily adjust this with sphagnum. Should i then water it daily?
The plant is small enough to fit my seedling tray: 80% RO, temps 17 to 20 celsius (63-68 fahrenheit) in this period
I never had a dendr. before so they are somewhat new to me. One keiki has got this bump

friend of mine told me it may be a flower, what is to you?