Originally Posted by ChasWG
So I have my big piece of Mopani wood all ready to recieve an orchid or two. So what is the right thing to start off doing to prepair the mount? Any good advice you all can give me. I'm a little nervous about doing this. My plants seem fairly happy where they are right now (in pots) but I want to mount them and I don't want to kill them.
So, any advice you all can give would be great! 
Don't be nervous Chas

...just mount the chid. The Brassavola cordata would be great and probably the phal too. I am not familiar with your Neo. I have Brassavolas mounted in treefirn pots and on cork. Here is a picture of one of my wood mounts. I mounted it last summer and used some fishline (monofilament) to hold it in place. The wood you got from the pet store should be fine. I got my piece there and another . The roots really can grab hold. Clean off the old potting medium. If you have some KLN soak the roots in it. I put a small amount of spagnum moss behind the plant roots and some cocoanut fibre in front just to be able to hold the plant in place. I've been removing all the moss from my mounts lately since the roots have grabbed tight and cut off the fishline. Just make sure the plant is secure. Depending on the shape of your wood you might be able to use the cable zip ties to secure your plant. I have a whole wall full of mounts that are attached in various manner.
Nothing ventured nothing gained. Mine get misted heavly each morning and when summer gets here will be 2x a day.

Post your picture when it's done. It gets easier the more you do. I have a driftwood project I'm mounting on now. Check out the thread. I'll have pictures Monday or Tuesday with some chids on it.