According to some professionals (e.g., Andy) there is, of course, nothing intrinsically bad about treefern. HOW-EV-AH, it is very absorbent, and soaks up salts. As such, one has to water with very high-quality water, because angraecoids are super-sensitive to fertilizer salts. If one cannot do this, cork drains better.
According to some professionals (e.g., Andy) there is, of course, nothing intrinsically bad about treefern. HOW-EV-AH, it is very absorbent, and soaks up salts. As such, one has to water with very high-quality water, because angraecoids are super-sensitive to fertilizer salts. If one cannot do this, cork drains better.
Sounds plausible, no?
Sure it sounds plausible. This theory holds true for many growing mediums. Tree fern also tends to break down pretty quick, depending on grower conditions. I have a large Zootrophion on tree fern, as this is what it came on when i got it. Over the past 6 months, ive begun to see the mount deteriorate. All of my Aerangis are on bark.