Some schoenorchis, Laelia liliputana, Pterocereus senifoiatum, to the left isabelia marginata and to the right Lepanthes calodichtyon..
I did start the culture for 1 1/2 year ago.
Most of the orchids love it so I have three nanovivs and plans for some more...
Here in sweden we use these ceramic tubes as drainage around houses and when the drainage is renewed they put plastic tubes instead and throw away the ceramic tubes...
The best is with all ceramic´s is to take out calcium wit some acid for some days.
Dry and glue a bottom plate and tada there it is.
Plastic covers in tube form or glass with lid on and a little fan.
Fill the ceramic tube with reverse osmose water and you will be on it...
It is Mikae karlbom who is the real master!
Look at his flicker on nanos. Flickr: Karlboms orchids' Photostream
Be shure to have a towel if you start drooling
I've wanted to set one of these up for a while! I know a friend who has a couple unused tubes, but I'm not sure where to get a hold of any myself here in Canada.
You can buy the whole nanoviv here in sweden.
And there are news to come.
Mikael has developed a easier way to make a nanoviv...
I hope soon there will be pictures from him or me...