Hey all! I posted a couple weeks ago about a
C. intermedia seedling I'd mounted up on some cork bark, and I got a lot of really helpful responses! This is my first orchid, so I really appreciate the support
I'm back with some more questions and what I think is a slightly better mounting set-up, so I'm hoping someone on here can give it a look for me.
I wasn't originally planning on remounting the little guy since there were already some new roots coming in and I didn't wanna risk doing more harm than good, but after a long weekend out of town for some friends' wedding (SO cute btw, they're preposterously in love) it ended up becoming a necessity.
I had set up a humidifier, soaked the mount and covered all the roots in some sphagnum I'd soaked overnight, set out some dishes of water to evaporate, and grouped all my plants together to conserve humidity while I was gone. When I got back after four days, though, some of the older roots had unfortunately completely desiccated, and since they'd retracted from the floral wire pins, the seedling had started to come loose on the mount.
I trimmed off the dead roots and made sure to give it plenty of water, but since I needed to reattach it anyway, I figured now would be a good time to try and make some of the adjustments people had suggested on the first thread I posted. If any of you has any good vacation contingency plans for when you can't find a plant sitter, that'd definitely be appreciated, but mostly I'm looking for some input on this remount and the rehydration process. It's looking mostly okay and the pseudobulbs are nice and smooth, but one or two of the leaves are still pretty wrinkly. I also went ahead and carefully removed the dried sheathes, since they were looking a little suspect and were starting to come off on their own anyway.
I'm also a bit confused about the growth pattern, since it looks like the bigger pseudobulbs are unifoliate, and the smaller ones are bifoliate, and I can't quite tell if a new growth near the top is a new root or an incoming pseudobulb. Anyway, here's some pictures of the remount, which—like usual—I only ever seem to remember to take immediately after watering:
- Left View:
- Right View:
- Top View: (Note the wrinkly leaf)
- Bottom View: