But it's a fun type of derailment. Now how about an answer to my off-topic dog question?
Sort of on topic: That wine bottle on the left has a fun story. My daughter is a DPT and a lot of other initials. She had a patient do extensive PT with her for about a year. He owns a vineyard/winery. When his therapy was completed, he created a wine iin her name, and her name's on the bottle.
Last edited by WaterWitchin; 01-11-2020 at 03:25 PM..
That is an amazing tribute. Pt is straight up torture and I consider my therapist from when I hurt my back in high school to have literally saved my life.
And yes, Pete. He is unknown to me. My guess is shepherd, then some Great Dane and some great pyre in there too
He is the biggest lemon but the sweetest dog. And he’s impossible. He can crush a door knob in order to turn it to open said door. He has eaten a three week chew in hours......