Speckled one is just darned cute. The Eria laci-whatevah (not even attempting spelling) looks other-wordly! I’ll have to check that out when I’m near computer again. You come up with such weird really cool stuff that I’ve never heard of!
Thank you my friends. Roberta your urschianum amazing!
For several years I have been trying to buy Сonchidium extinctorium. These are fantastic tiny barrels and moth flowers on thin, tall stalks. For two years my salesman orders it in Thailand and for two years he does not receive it. I saw Eria lacei from another seller. But it looks eerily like Conchidium extinctorium. And the synonym for Eria is Conchidium. Jay in IOSPE wrote about Conchidium extinctorium CAUTION I have no way of verifying this determination so please use with caution !!
Originally Posted by Shadeflower
Is this an orchid? It looks like something the cat barfed up and than sat on. I'm just curious if this ever made it in the end?
Thank you for the question. This is a mass of moss in which the rare Utricularia nelumblifolia grows. It's carnivorous aquatic plant. AND... YES...
In a month a lotus-like leaf has grown