Masdevallia decumana released her Cylon spy again

He stuck his predatory nose out of the leaves, lurking, waiting for your hand to climb in ...
M. decumna is the highest, below it, in the second tier of M. hartmanii, with a lollipop flower, lower, on the first tier, M. nidifica. I deliberately don’t remove dead organics so that the medium is not sterile and inert, let the microworld be enriched. Then I’ll release Daphnia there, so that they eat blue-green algae

And here is the lollipop flower M. hartmanii. She released a new peduncle, I hope for right bristles
I did not expect such a surprise from Lepanthes delhierroi, second leaf

I never saw similar on pleurotallids.
So-so berry from Platystele umbellata has brown color.
And my dear tiny violet hares Utricularia sandersonii jumps on the green lawn