These are the first "before" photos. These show the space I am going to be working in, unfortunately from a bit of a distance. There are several large "winter freeloaders" stacked up in front of the space, I can't get in for good photos until I get them all moved out, which will be after this weekend.
The space is a 3-lever terrace. I have tried several things in this space. There was a huge Alpinia purpurata "Eileen McDomald" here at one time, but it outgrew the space faster than I could divide it to contain it.
Then there hwas a 10ft+ Heliconia bihai "Peachy Pink" there, but it too outgrew the corner.
AT the moment, the plumeria (dormant, just re-leafing) occupies the top terrace with an assortment of bromeliads, a nice Calathea lancifolia, and some other assorted smaller plants like anthurium, etc.
Those will all have to be removed and replaced after the work is finished.
A nice feature in this bed on ground level is a big (almost 7 ft) Croton "Mrs. Iceton", and right behind it, an Erythina crista gallii tree that blooms.
There is also a huge Hoya silver pink trained to the wall, and several very old large Vandas hang over the space.
The dropfall will go right up the corner where the 2 walls meet. There is a philodendron totemed there at the moment that I plan to leave and work around.