So as my adult boys helped us clear the area for post hole to be dug a nasty discovery was found that even shocked me.
A lot of ants and termites were found so I put out some wood and found 3 different termites. One is very aggressive wood eater, mid range and a very low trouble type.
Also two meat ants, one that is the very common large dull red colour and one I have never seen anywhere else and it is a very large ant with huge nippers with a large back end that is yellow and black strips. For many years I would watch them farm on the trees and thought they were nectar, sap eaters but I had it very wrong.
Plus a small black ant that breeds into huge numbers in a very short period of time and they look to be able to eat anything.
Also a medium sized green ant that has a nasty sting from its huge nippers.
All these ants were in large numbers and if nests were breached the ants would eat each other and eat the termites but nest breaches are not common for the ant and termite world. So.....
Before putting the weed matt down I knew that a full on residue insecticide drenching was needed desperately so the ants and termites could not nest in the pots or try to eat us!
As much as I am into the environment I have chosen the most deadly insecticide I can find the picture of it is below. Very sad but my orchids will win the ant and termite war! Will apply this 7 days before the weed matt goes down plus the outside of our home as well.