Originally Posted by RJSquirrel
Everything looks nice
Fact is I am dealing with code and deed restrictions on a home where I would like to build a greenhouse. Its quite prohibitive when you have to have engineered approved drawings in triplicate for all structural electrical and mechanical additions.
home owners insurance wont accept responsibility for any damages to your home or others caused by any un-permitted/unlicensed installation or upgrade of any electrical mechanical or structural work...
so I am not prepared to accept responsibility for anything Im building yet.
looks good 
Such a bummer when the city requires a bunch of stuff because a few bad "apples" spoiled it for everyone.
Here, an accessory building under 25' tall does not require a permit for the structure itself. The code was amended to include these greenhouses with the shed descriptions.
Regardless of that, we are following basic residential code anyway. Just because the permit is not required doesn't mean that some people don't use good common sense.
Bearing that in mind: We know that this building isn't covered by insurance. Most insurance companies do not cover accessory buildings. Our insurance company didn't even cover our old garage that was built original with the house.
The code for a 25' high building (ours is 10'8") is a 5' setback from the neighboring property line. Ours is at 5' exactly.
Because we tied into an existing outdoor faucet for irrigation, this is exempt (because it can be disconnected and drained). However, we dug down to 16" and added 2" of fill to make an 18" depth so we more than met any requirement on that part.
For the electrical, we already had a permit because we are adding circuits for our kitchen remodel and the underground greenhouse wiring was added to the original request. Of course, we used Sch 40 PVC to protect the wiring and properly connected to the panel with the bushing protectors.
The RMH is like an outdoor fireplace only much safer because you don't leave it burning unattended. It stores the heat in a thermal mass, which releases at a slow rate. At any rate, we are over 100' from any residential structure and the one Crepe Myrtle tree overhanging will be trimmed back to our fence line. We will also install 2 fire extinguishers just in case.
I think we have the safety part covered.