Originally Posted by dounoharm
I love old houses! but, like my dad said when he bought our 200 year old country house....it is a 20 year sentence of hard labor! we had virtually NO wiring, only in a couple rooms, of course that had to be striped out....NO plumbing, we used the outhouse for a year, all the local kids made fun of us, lol....and NO heat but the 2 main fireplaces....but it was a real untouched beauty of Victoriana and early American building....dad paid $6,000 for it in the early 1960's, on an acre with a 300 year old barn....what a joy it was! I still miss it! ....you really need to get your wiring updated...bit at a time, but it will be worthwhile...enjoy your house, and greenhouses!
As near as I can tell, our house has had several updates via the addition of new power points. You can even date them based on the style of the power point wall plates.
The original sockets are your basic, dark brown bakelite, round ones - with the socket and switch completely separate sitting next to one another. There's generally only one of these per room, and many rooms and hallways have none at all.
The next update was clearly done in the late 30's/early 40's. There are a few fantastic art deco switches, in the kitchen and bathroom especially that were added around this time.
Next round of points came in the 70's. No mistaking them lol - and finally the last few were added in the 90's sometime.
Through all this the original fuse box/switchboard thingy was untouched, with its original massive ceramic fuses and genuine asbestos backing

, they simply piggybacked all the new sockets off the existing wiring lol. So yeah, we have a lot of upgrading to do.
On the upside, at least it'll be easier to get something dedicated for the glasshouse whilst it's all being done in one hit, and hopefully a little cheaper.