thanks to all for their comments. the greenhouse is not even close to what i want to accomplish. but with time and some money i think everything is possible. the entrance to the greenhouse, i had to build my own "preliminary door" due to budget issues. but that should be replaced soon enough.
here are a few more pics of the outside , my house inst fully finished, as you can see the garden space, is not even close to what should look like in the future (ahem, maybeeee another greenhouse ? don't tell my wife ) .
climate here (outside) is quite cold, in fact i hung my draculas and some cold loving species in the trees, it is raining everyday, so humidity stays almost 100% with temperatures reaching 8 degrees celsius during night and 20-17 during days.
there is also (in one of the pics) a home made tiny flooding chamber for my (one) Phrag Kovachii, nothing to fancy, it was all made with stuff i had in boxes without no use for many years, plus some connectors i bought at the nearest hardware store. lol.
near the flooding chamber, is my "orchid hospital" with seedling mats, an arachnis flos aeris is battling for her life, and a few others who should be in the "i am healthy" benches soon. new plants are usually placed there. until new growths or new roots are developing.
some other plants that are sitting there, a phal cornu cervi, angraecum erectum, and angraecum calceolus. (left there for now since they loved the place and are thriving.)
my UFO's Phals also in the vicinity , until a new area within the small greenhouse is finished, depending on the light level i use either this phals or a couple of cattleyas that i got for the "test the place" for two months. depending on the plants health within those 2 months i made decisions if i need to add more plants under the benches , or if more shade is needed.
since i had some bromeliads lying around and had the wood, decided to add a small decoration , plan is to make it huge. but it will require some imagination and skills.