I fully intended to make a nice pictorial of this build. Once it got started it was such a mess and didn't go together as well as the design should have. The plastic pieces needed trimming to slide the poly sheets into the slots. The direction are only pictoral which shows the unit being put together in modules. Doesnt show you how they go together or in what order. You have to figure it out as you go. I failed to bolt the greenhouse to the base. ackkk thats what them screws were for

. So I had to go back and do that right otherwise a nice wind come by and my neighbor has a greenhouse. This unit will not hold up to hurricane winds and it should be strapped down to the deck.
The base support wasnt necessary but I put it down anyway to get 4 extra inches of height. Its 6 ft 9 tall and really needed the crown about 10 ft to get the hot air off the floor. Has 2 fans in it already as its 85 outside and 85 in the greenhouse, but with 65 to 75 % humidity inside as opposed to 35%.
Built it by myself in about 14 hrs. Started at noon that day and was done about 2 am.
Trimmed all the hail damage off what I could trashed what I couldn't salvage to my liking. The plants are doing remarkably well to have suffered so much over the past 6 months. For example a encyclia tampensis that Ive had for eons and never bloomed now has 17 spikes

. It got some leaves hail damaged but its doing well and growing like a weed!!!
Thanks all of you for viewing my things. I am an enigma and understand how that can make some of you very uncomfortable with me and I forgive you
So for all of you who are growing in your home. This is where you might end up in 3 years