Ah, 2 more Shomburgkia lovers here, personally, one of my favorites. I've got a tibicinis, hot weather growers. These, as Dorothy has pointed out, don't like being disturbed although, I had a slight accident a while back when it fell and I repotted it. It didn't stall whatsoever luckily and has continued to grow just fine. Interesting, they are home to ants. Their ps.bulbs become hallowed where ants love to inhabit their bulbs. They require the same standard care as the Cattleyas, dry between waterings, hot, humid, bright light. Mine have grown their 2 new ps.bulbs for the next flowering and interesting again, the leaves on the new growths are huge whereas the older leaves have shriveled after flowering but remain solid and round which will occur on the new leaves after flowering. The spikes grow 2 -3 feet and put on an incredible display.
JamminJoe, you mentioned in one of these posts about the winds blowing. Do you happen to be in Fla. like me? The last 2 days were fierce, the winds and rain from the hurricane in the Bahamas were impacted greatly here. I grow all of my orchids on a screened patio and if it weren't for bungee cords, I would have lost every orchid. Sure, all the bakers racks they're on may have come down but the orchids would have remained in their places

Thank the orchid gods for bungee cords!
Here's a quickie photo of my tibicinis from last summer.