Originally Posted by DavidCampen
Your setup is very much like mine. Mine is on a second floor terrace and I also use a high pressure fog system for humidity/cooling.
I use this controller to modulate exhaust fan speed according to temperature:
Phason MTC-4C Modulating Temperature Control - TekSupply
In combination with the humidity controlled fog system they do very well at holding the temperature near the fan speed controller's temperature setpoint.
I am also using one of the common, mechanical humidity on/off controllers and I am not happy with its sensitivity. I have purchased this electronic humidity sensor/controller:
I have done some preliminary testing but I was using a 9v battery to power it which gives only marginal operating voltage and current. I need to hook it to the auxillary 24 v output available on the variable speed motor controller that I use with my high pressure fog system pump. I expect that I may also have to place the humidity probe inside a box with baffles and use a small fan to draw air through.
thanks for info.
regarding your exhaust fan speed controler, I do not like only 6F fixed between idle and maximum. my maximum is quite high 1 air change in 1 minute. very close to hurricane

. it is fine if you want to decrease humidity in minute, but if outside temp is over 90F a lot of hot and dry air will come inside and I think
misting system will not be able to cool and rise humid efficiency. I would like something which could be configured more precisely. Also I would like to shut down exhaust vents below some minimum point.
I have found these two controlers. REB-4 or REB-5 Auto from soler&palau
Soler & Palau Sistemas de Ventilacin, S.L.U. - Innovating solutions (more details in catalogue)
I am still waiting from supplier for detailed manuals.
Humidity controler looks fine. I will keep it in mind.
What is your temperature in GH on hot sunny days? Do you have direct sun to GH?

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