I am looking for different types of orchids that i can grow in my greenhouse. Im hoping to have it at the intermediate /warm climate. Im looking for orchids that in green house conditions will bloom as often as possible. also im looking for orchids that bloom with the seasons.
winter bloomers, Spring bloomers, Summer bloomers, and fall bloomers.
I don't have a greenhouse so can't help. However, I have found that by getting a variety of orchids, I have something blooming every month (just not for the society meetings). Look for orchids that bloom for longer periods, bloom more than once a year, or buy orchids that are known to bloom at certain times so that usually, something is in bloom. Good luck!
if you keep an intermediate house, you can grow most anything, there will be micro climates in it which will do well for the cooler growerw or the warmer growers....how big a greenhouse do you have? include some photos!