New mini GH finished & moved in: pictures
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New mini GH finished & moved in: pictures
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Old 06-15-2013, 02:35 PM
Skayc1 Skayc1 is offline
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How do you find the time to water/soak all those?
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Old 06-15-2013, 07:45 PM
pleuro3 pleuro3 is offline

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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures Male

Please come back and post pics. Having a mini Andy's would be the dream. This is a fantastic setup and quite the collection. They had an auction at my LOS last night and I officially have run out of growing space indoors...(I knew it was going happen sooner rather than later). Anyway I would love to shoot for something like this.
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Old 06-18-2013, 10:32 AM
The Orchid Boy The Orchid Boy is offline
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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures Male

Beautiful! I eventually want a greenhouse but I'm afraid I'd burn everything until I got the lighting figured out... I've hardly grown on a windowsill, most of the time I grew my orchids under T5s so figuring out light was easy for me.
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Old 06-24-2013, 07:38 PM
tropterrarium tropterrarium is offline
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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures

OK, due to popular demand, here some recent pictures, of today. First a couple external shots.

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh2-jpg

External shot of GH in "profile" for scale, notice at bottom a 5 gal bucket, and on the side an Encyclia hanburryi in bloom. Images are taken with an extreme wide angle lense (Zeiss 15 mm ZE). You see on the right the DI water storage tank, with pH probe and automatic pH adjustment with KOH. the 5 gal bucket is for stock MSU fertilizer, though just got Klite and may switch to that. GH dimensions are 4x9'

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh1-jpg

Front window, facing west, so getting filtered evening sun. This is where I have the only shelf that is covering the swamp cooler and electrical from getting wet. Notice the mounted oscillating fan going 24/7. It is a bit blurry, due to long exposure. Had to reduce the power by putting a rheostat in.

The large leaf plant is a Calanthe, middle right you can see a Cleisocentrum merrilliianum with the famous blue flowers.

next some internals ...
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Old 06-24-2013, 08:09 PM
tropterrarium tropterrarium is offline
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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures

OK, here some internal shots.
New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh3-jpg
Here the business end. Notice the added 5 gal bucket with a 5 head ultrasonic fogger, and a fan behind it. Keeps humidity up at least >70% even in dry SoCal with vents open.

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh8-jpg
In the front Pleurothallis strupifolia, recently mounted. Behind mounted plants on bamboo sticks, and larger manzanita branches.

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh7-jpg
More mounted plants and the control unit of the Herpkeeper. In basket Oberonia pachyrachis, mounted on bark 5 Oberonia rufilabris, behind Oberonia emarginata, Octomeria, Hippeophyllum sp.

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh5-jpg

The cork wall with additional minis.

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh4-jpg

A better overall appreciation of the many minis, but still room to add :-)

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-gh6-jpg

Opposite wall with more minis, the largest is a Pholidota sp. at the tail end of flowering, and more Oberonia (setigera padangensis, mindorensis, arisanensis, seidenfadeniana, acaulis, merrillii, ...). In the back a very sad Dracula. Will shortly give it away, as I will kill it.
The yellow ribbon is from the SB show this year; exhibited some Oberonias there.

If you are looking for close-up images of any particular plants, let me know. Currently in flower is O. emarginata, O. leytensis, Dresslerella something, Pleurothallis saracenia. Of many others I have stock images on file. Cyrtorchis praetermissa is in dual spike :-) as is O. segawae. Pleurothallis pectinata is adding second leaf this year :-)))

Bottom line, orderly and practical chaos. Re watering, I spend about 20 minutes each day. On days off I will fuss a bit more ...

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Old 06-25-2013, 12:54 AM
pleuro3 pleuro3 is offline

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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures Male

Thanks for posting an update. The setup looks absolutely fantastic. Dresslerella something, Pleurothallis saracenia, and the Cyrtorchis praetermissa when it blooms. Would love to see them.
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Old 06-25-2013, 01:37 AM
tropterrarium tropterrarium is offline
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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures

Hi Pleuro3,

here are the images, all old stock, but show the species. Should redo the Dresslerella pertusa using z-stacking, as I did the Cyrtorchis

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-9664-zp-jpg
Cyrtorchis praetermissa

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-9417-1-jpg
Pleurothallis saracenia

New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-9429-3-jpg
New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures-9428-6-jpg
Dresslerella pertusa

Below is an updated list of plants in the GH. Not all have flowered, don't have pictures of all of them.
Aerangis articulata
Aerangis citrata
Aerangis hyaloides
Aerangis mystacidii
Angraecum corrugatum
Angraecum distichum
Angraecum sedifolium
Appendicula alba
Barbosella dusenii
Brassavola nodosa
Brassia verrucosa
Bulbophyllum ‘rosary beads’
Bulbophyllum capillipes
Bulbophyllum cocoinum
Bulbophyllum cupreum
Bulbophyllum flavescens
Bulbophyllum gamblei
Bulbophyllum hirundinis
Bulbophyllum pardalotum
Bulbophyllum plumatum
Bulbophyllum vaginatum
Bulbophyllum wendlandianum
Cadetia quinqueloba
Cadetia taylori
Calanthe vestita
Campulocentrum neglectum
Ceratosylis subulata
Chamaeangis (Microterangis) hariotiana
Chiloschista exuperei
Chiloschista segawae
Cleistocentron merrillianum
Cochlioda sanguinea
Cyrtorchis praetermissa
Dendrochilum curranii
Dendrochilum ecallosum
Dendrochilum glumaceum
Dendrochilum irigense
Dendrochilum sp
Diaphananthe xanthopillinia
Dockrillia rigida
Domingoa haematochila
Dracul lotax
Dracula niesseniae
Dracula posadarum
Dracula vespertilio
Dresslerella caesariata
Dresslerella pertusa
Dryadella albicans
Dryadella elata
Dryadella langburgii
Dryadella zebrina
Epidendrum porpax
Epidendrum schlecterianum
Eria spicata
Gomesa silvanum
Hexisea imbricata
Hippeophyllum micranthum
Homalopetalum pachyphyllum
Isocheilus linearis
Jaquiniella leucomelana
Koelensteinia graminea
Koelensteinia ionoptera
Laelia pumila
Leochilus carinatus
Lepanthes manabina
Lepanthopsis astrophora
Leptotes pohlitinocoi
Liparis caespitosa
Lockhartia lunifera
Malaxis perakensis
Masdevaliia “gigantea”
Masdevallia brachyura
Masdevallia garciae
Masdevallia medinae
Masdevallia minuta
Masdevallia nidifica
Masdevallia sernae
Masdevallia triangularis
Masdevallia tridens
Masdevallia wageneriana
Maxillaria cerifera
Mediocalcar decoratum
Meiracyllium trinasutum
Mormolyca ringens
Myoxanthus reymondii
Myoxanthus trachychlamys
Mystacidium braybonae
Mystacidium capense
Notylia trisepala
Oberonia acaulis
Oberonia anthropophora
Oberonia arisanensis
Oberonia brachystachys
Oberonia cavaleriei
Oberonia cf. obesa
Oberonia dissitiflora
Oberonia emarginata
Oberonia iridifolia
Oberonia iridifolia Java
Oberonia leytensis
Oberonia lycopodioides
Oberonia menghaiensis
Oberonia mindorensis
Oberonia miniata
Oberonia mucronata
Oberonia obesa
Oberonia oligotricha
Oberonia pachyrachis
Oberonia padangensis
Oberonia patentifolia
Oberonia Philippines rambling
Oberonia rasmussenii
Oberonia recurva
Oberonia rufilabris
Oberonia segawae
Oberonia seidenfadeniana
Oberonia setigera
Oberonia sp
Oberonia sp. China
Oberonia sp. Phil
Oberonia sp. Philippines
Oberonia sp. Philippines Purificacion
Oberonia species Burma
Oberonia trichophora
Octomeria rodriguesii
Oncidium (Sigmatostalix) costaricensis
Oncidium (Sigmatostalix) cuculligera
Oncidium (Sigmatostalix) graminea
Oncidium (Sigmatostalix) unguiculata
Oncidium (Stigmatostalix) marinii
Oncidium (Stigmatostalix) picturatissima
Oncidium cheirophorum
Oncidium croesus
Oncidium microchilum
Oncidium tigroides
Oncidium Tolumnia variegatum
Ornithocephalus bicornis
Ornithocephalus dolabratus
Ornithocephalus inflexus
Ornithocephalus iridifolius
Osmoglossum pulchellum
Phalenopsis lobbii
Phymatidium falcifolium
Platystele misera
Platystele vellota
Pleurothallis - Stelis immersa
Pleurothallis aculeata
Pleurothallis amphigya
Pleurothallis concorensis
Pleurothallis dodsonii
Pleurothallis hypnicola
Pleurothallis leptotifolia
Pleurothallis loranthophylla
Pleurothallis mathildae
Pleurothallis medinae
Pleurothallis minutalis
Pleurothallis nossax
Pleurothallis obscura
Pleurothallis ornata
Pleurothallis palliolata
Pleurothallis pectinata
Pleurothallis prolifera
Pleurothallis purpureoviolacea
Pleurothallis rubella
Pleurothallis sarracenia
Pleurothallis scurrula
Pleurothallis sijmii
Pleurothallis sonderana
Pleurothallis sp. 6 ‘Panama’
Pleurothallis stricta
Pleurothallis strupifolia
Pleurothallis teres
Polystachya ottoniana
Polystachya paniculata
Porroglossum dalstroemii
Porroglossum eduardii
Promenaea stapelioides
Restrepia brachypus
Rodriguezia venusta
Sarcochilus falcatus
Sarcochilus hartmanii
Sarcoglottis sceptrodes
Scaphosepalum rapax
Scaphosepalum swertifolium
Scaphosepalum verrucosum
Schoenorchis gemmata
Schoenorchis juncifolia
Schoenorchis micrantha
Schoenorchis paniculata
Sophronites cernua
Stelis ciliaris
Stelis glomerosa
Stelis glomerosa
Stelis hallii
Stelis megantha
Stelis Pleurothallis cypripedoides
Stelis powellii
Stelis repens
Stelis sp
Stelis uniflora
Tolumnia bahamense
Trias disciflora
Trias nasuta
Trichoceros muralis
Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes
Trichosalpinx rotundata
Tuberolabium escritorii
Tuberolabium phillipsii
Zootrophion serpentinum
Zygostates grandiflorus
Zygostates lunata
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:04 AM
Island Girl Island Girl is offline
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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures Female

WW!! That is so beautiful! Thank you for updating! I wanna come live with u! Lol Hope to one day have a greenhouse like yours! Thanks for sharing
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Old 06-26-2013, 12:36 AM
tropterrarium tropterrarium is offline
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New mini GH finished &amp; moved in: pictures

Hi Mary Linn,

thanks for your kind words. It's not that difficult to put together. Just think about the environmental parameters (temperature, air circulation, humidity, light), assess either what you can achieve and select suitable plants, or decide which plants you want to grow, and provide the required environment. Thereafter, just happy growing. THE most important thing is matching culture conditions you provide to culture requirements of the plants.

That said, it does not always work for everything. Not sure why my Draculas are so sad, But my Oberonias are growing well, and that's the main thing for me.
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dracula, masdevallia, pleurothallis, scaphosepalum, stelis, pictures, moved, finished, mini

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